
Luke Woodward and Andrew Low have authored The Australian Chapter: Competition Policy Developments and Challenges for the Digital Economy in Competition Policy International’s Book, “The Evolution of Antitrust in the Digital Era - Essays on Competition Policy”.

The book is a collection of essays which represents the first in a series of two volumes that set out to reflect the state of the art of antitrust thinking in digital markets in jurisdictions around the world. The issues it tackles are many: the role of innovation, the conundrum of big data, the evolution of media markets, and the question of whether existing antitrust tools are sufficient to deal with the challenges of digital markets. Each author tackles the overarching themes from their unique national perspective. The resulting tapestry reflects the challenges and opportunities presented by the modern digital era, viewed through the lens of competition enforcement.

To read The Australian Chapter on Competition Policy Developments and Challenges for the Digital Economy in Competition Policy International’s Book, download the PDF document.
