Gilbert + Tobin has been certified carbon neutral for FY2018 under the Commonwealth Government’s National Carbon Offset Standard (NCOS), becoming one of only two law firms in Australia to achieve the NCOS certification.
G+T has a proud community-conscious track record on environmental issues. Becoming a certified carbon neutral provider of legal services is the natural progression of the firm’s sustainability program that includes an Australian Legal Sector Alliance (AusLSA) certified Environmental Management System, a commitment to maintain a 5-star NABERS Energy (Tenancy) rating for G+T’s Sydney headquarters and a commitment to annual public reporting of the firm’s sustainability performance to the AusLSA.
Carbon neutrality has been achieved primarily with carbon credits from Solarise India’s Bundled Solar Power Project. The Solarise India carbon credits are generated through the development of solar power projects that replace fossil fuel based power plants. Secondly, G+T made a smaller purchase of carbon credits from the Aboriginal Carbon Foundation’s (ACF) Kowanyama Aboriginal Savanna Burning Carbon Project. Savanna burning effectively reduces or abates carbon emissions as controlled early dry season fires are less intense than uncontrolled late season bush fires. Therefore, early season fires burn less fuel and produce fewer emissions. The ACF is a national not-for-profit company working towards a sustainable Aboriginal carbon industry.
G+T continues to strive for new ways of reducing its environmental impact. You can read more about our commitment to the environment, sustainability and corporate social responsibility here.