
As a  supporter of the work of Aurukun artists, Garry and Bevan Namponan, Gilbert + Tobin is excited at the inclusion of the iconic Aurukun wooden camp dogs in this months’ Cairns Indigenous Art Fair.

Garry and Bevan’s camp dogs, ‘Big Fella’ and ‘Ku – Camp Dog’ are important pieces in Gilbert + Tobin’s contemporary Indigenous art collection, in their Sydney office at Barangaroo.

Chairman of Gilbert + Tobin’s Art Committee and head of Gilbert + Tobin’s TMT practice group, Sheila McGregor commented, “Gilbert + Tobin is committed to supporting the work of talented Indigenous artists like Garry and Bevan. The Cairns Art Fair showing highlights the amazing work produced by Aurukun artists.”

The Namponan brothers come from the small Cape York community of Aurukun, where the wooden camp dogs are representative of sacred totems – an intrinsic connection to the culture of the ancient Wik nation. The camp dogs have been featured around Australia and other works by Aurukun artists are held in European galleries.

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