We pride ourselves on on guiding clients through their employment law issues with ownership and care. We offer employment law advice on the best commercial solution for your situation, not just the legal generalities. We begin with the unique requirements of your business and your people, collaborating with you to anticipate potential issues and plan ahead.

In a crisis, we’re there to help you to respond quickly and effectively. Our employment lawyers have managed many clients through it - sidestepping the pitfalls to reach the best possible outcome. We see court action as a last resort. We’re experienced in all forms of alternative dispute resolution and, if litigation is unavoidable, you’re in the hands of leading practitioners.

We work with Australian and multinational companies, government bodies, and senior executives.

Our services

  • Contracts: Customised executive service agreements, offer letters, employment contracts, consultancy agreements, secondment agreements, confidentiality and restraint agreements.
  • Employment policies and procedures: Including workplace surveillance, discrimination and sexual harassment, and grievance resolution.
  • Independent contractors: Distinguishing independent contractors from employees, understanding the consequences for each, and advising about sham contracting.
  • Workplace agreements: Interpretation and advice about modern awards and enterprise agreements.
  • Workplace change: Corporate restructuring, redundancies, and secondments.
  • Employee performance: Management and termination.
  • Whistleblower obligations: Drafting compliant policies, advising on implementation, training, and managing external investigations.
  • Workplace investigations: Managing workplace investigations including allegations of misconduct, bullying, sexual harassment, unlawful discrimination, and whistleblower disclosures.
  • Litigation: Unfair dismissal, adverse action, discrimination and sexual harassment, enforcing post-employment restraints, protection of trade secrets and confidential information, breach of contract, and misleading and deceptive representation claims.
  • Mergers, acquisitions and outsourcing: Employment and industrial issues including due diligence, transaction- related document drafting, and Fair Work Act applications.
  • Work health and safety: Advising on WH&S obligations, conducting safety policy reviews, negotiating enforceable undertakings, and defending against prosecutions.
  • Training seminars and workshops: For employees and managers including on managing under-performers, termination, discrimination, work health and safety, whistleblower legislation compliance, and conducting investigations.