• Going beyond the legal: We distinguish ourselves from other firms by not seeing our role as limited to legal advice and assistance (where other firms stop). We are not just 'black-letter lawyers', but work hard to understand the projects we work on, and their statutory, and policy context. We partner with our clients, and work with them on the commercial and strategic aspects of their projects. Our clients are loyal to us because we bring a 'can do' attitude to all projects and are able to work collaboratively with them, finding solutions that help them meet their objectives.
  • Innovative approach: We are well known for our innovative approach to delivering services. We are at our most comfortable when pushing the boundaries. We have a track record of leading the design and execution of cutting edge bespoke transactions. We are innovators, challengers, and specialise in working on projects for which there is ‘no precedent’. Clients come to us ahead of others because we bring fresh approaches unconstrained by old thinking.
  • Government Expertise: Our team includes a core group of partners and lawyers who are specialists in advising government. One of our key personnel has experience in the Office of Parliamentary Counsel and as a merits review decision maker. We offer a multi-disciplinary, scalable team that can be mobilised to support governments in managing matters of all sizes and complexities.
  • Industry engagement: Our team is heavily involved in industry and their interactions and engagements with governments – engaging, networking and connecting with leaders across a range of sectors through a range of different channels.

Our Services

Transport for NSW

On its Digital Systems Program, a once in a generation transformation of the Sydney Trains rail network as part of the Government’s $880m investment in technology.


On the acquisition of a transport management system as part of the Government’s Intelligent Congestion Management Program (ICMP).

The Commonwealth Government

On its response to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety.

The State of Victoria

On its response to the Royal Commission into Management of Police Informants. 

NSW Telco Authority

On the consolidation of its radiocommunications infrastructure across the whole of NSW. This radiocommunications system supports emergency services throughout

Roads and Maritime Services (NSW)

On the design and execution of the recent tender process that led to the award of a concession agreement to a new operator of guided climbs on the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

NSW Treasury

On the $2.6bn concession of Land and Property Information NSW. This was the first transaction of its kind undertaken in Australia and one of the first in the world.

Department of Premier and Cabinet (Vic)

In relation to issues arising from the East West Link – a matter with a value of $6.8 billion.

Royal commission

The Office of the Royal Commission into the Protection and Detention of Children in the Northern Territory as the solicitors assisting the commission.