LegalVision’s enterprise team provides a range of legal solutions specifically directed at large corporates and fast-growing businesses that have a higher volume of legal needs. LegalVision have proven experience in combining the expertise of their legal team with technology and process redesign to deliver high-value, quality managed legal services. Where there is an opportunity for our clients, we will introduce the particular expertise LegalVision can bring to help legal departments do more with less. We develop joint solutions that bring together the expertise of both firms to deliver an outstanding, cost-effective solution for clients.

If you are an early-stage startup looking for affordable and reliable legal assistance, we recommend that you make contact with LegalVision. LegalVision is perfectly positioned to help your business get off the ground and grow.

LegalVision can assist you to

  • Set up a business structure that works for the founders and key team members, including drafting a Shareholders Agreement.
  • Incentivise employees through an Employee Share Option Plan.
  • Draft the legal documents for an online business or e-commerce website.
  • Protect your intellectual property, including through trade mark registration and patents.
  • Raise capital and external funding using grants, equity financing, convertible notes, debt financing and revenue loans.

We work closely with LegalVision to provide startup clients with a full range of services throughout their journey. We will always be close at hand when your business needs our specialised expertise. When it comes time for an exit, our top-rated capital markets and M&A team will help you navigate the options – whether that’s a trade sale, flip transaction, licensing arrangement or IPO.

Get in contact with LegalVision to find out how they can help your startup.