Our breadth of expertise is rare, with very few others in the position of trusted adviser to both parties in the proponent sphere and in the native title holder or aspirant sphere.
We have advised:
- Native title holders and claimants
- Trustees of native title trusts
- Government
- Mining proponents
- Forestry proponents
- Pastoral and rangelands proponents
- Land developers
- Port and infrastructure developers.
Our services
- Future acts (including dispute resolution options).
- Drafting Indigenous Land Use Agreements (ILUAs) and other native title agreements.
- Enforcement of native title rights.
- Internal governance of native title trusts and other indigenous organisations.
- Liability under native title agreements in complex situations including where native title counterparties are held effectively not to exist as a coherent and identifiable group.
- Aboriginal heritage issues and statutory entitlements related to native title.
Chalk & Behrendt alliance
We have a strategic alliance with Chalk & Behrendt to provide market-leading commercial legal advice for Indigenous companies and organisations, and to governments and corporates working with Indigenous landholders and other groups.
Including Ward v WA and the Single Nyoongar claim.
Including limitations on port use and dredging and other infrastructure issues.
Negotiating several significant native title agreements on native title and environmental approvals issues for the James Price Point development.
In relation to a dispute with the now deregistered Wong-Goo-Tt-oo group.
In relation to the resolution of structural issues with the Banjima B2 trust and in relation to a dispute in respect of a distribution policy under the Banjima B1 trust.
In relation to negotiation of an ILUA with the Martu people in respect of the Nifty Mine.
In relation to the grant of key tenements at Higginsville and Big Bell gold mines.
In several matters including in relation to the resolution of structural issues with the Banjima B2 trust.
In a dispute in the Federal Court of Australia in relation to tortious interference with native title rights and interests and trespass in respect of native title rights.