Gail Christopher
Gail heads Gilbert + Tobin's Banking team.
Gail specialises in acquisition, leveraged and corporate finance. She has a wide range of experience representing financial institutions, sponsors and major corporates.
Her expertise is independently recognised by Chambers, Legal 500, IFLR1000 and Best Lawyers.
Gail holds a Bachelor of Economics and a Bachelor of Laws (Honours) from the University of Sydney.
Awards and Recognition
Gail was recognised as a Leading Individual for Banking + Finance
Gail is ranked Band 2 in Banking & Finance: Acquisition Finance.
Gail is ranked Band 3 in Banking & Finance: Corporate Finance.
Gail was recognised in the areas of Banking and Finance Law, Leverage Buyouts, Private Equity Law, Project Finance and Development Practice, Venture Capital Law.
Gail was ranked for Acquisition finance
Gail was named the exclusive winner of the Banking category for Australia.
Gail was recognised in the areas of Banking and Finance Law, Leveraged Buyouts, and Private Equity Law and Venture Capital Law.
Gail was ranked for Acquisition finance.
Gail was named as “Lawyer of the Year” for Leveraged Buyouts.
Gail was recognised for her expertise in Banking and Leveraged Finance. Gail was one of eleven prominent female lawyers recognised in Australia.
Gail was recognised in the areas of Banking and Finance Law, Leveraged Buyouts and Private Equity Law.
Gail was recognised as a Leading Individual for Banking & Finance.
Gail was named the exclusive winner of the Banking category for Australia.
Gail was named the exclusive winner of the Banking category for Australia.
Gail was recognised as one of Australia’s top banking lawyers. “Gail Christopher wins acclaim from peers for her strong finance practice where she showcases particular expertise in leveraged transactions and acquisition finance.”
A client notes that “Gail Christopher is a market leader and respected by her peers and clients as one of the most experienced and successful operators in the market. She is the go-to person for all private equity firms as well as banks in the market.”